What makes you feel whole?

What helps you feel connected to something greater?

What brings you peace?

Answering those questions might seem difficult at first, but we’re here to help you remember.

Based in the beautiful New Hampshire seacoast, Serenity Rising provides intuitive energy healing services. In addition to Reiki, Amber and Ruth offer personalized guided meditation, Yin yoga, and Emotional Freedom Technique sessions, and host community events to honor the energy of the moon and current astrological alignments.

Guidance toward your own inner knowing

Our joy and our purpose come from helping people realize that they are more than their preconceived limitations, and we created Serenity Rising for that reason. We truly believe that by connecting to the peace and wisdom of the Universe, and therefore the peace and wisdom inside yourself, you can unlock your own healing potential. Working with Universal energy, we offer a unique experience of guidance toward your own inner knowing, which can help your body and mind to

come out of stressful patterns,

recognize a path forward, and

achieve true healing.

After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Let’s co-create an experience of serenity.


Accessibility for all

Access to peace and good health is an intrinsic right for all people and beings, yet we are currently in a period of mass inequality, profiteering, and healthcare systems that often seem to offer anything but care.

Serenity Rising is a small part of the collective providing trauma-informed energetic relief for the current Earth and her people, and we strive for accessibility, equality, safety, and honesty in all we do.

If you are having difficulty affording any of our services, please let us know and we will be happy to create alternative arrangements.

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Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world..png